looking for this for many years as I had this fingerprint reader since 2014. Click the icon to display its menu providing. Fingerprint Reader icon and menu The fingerprint reader icon is located in the notification area (also called the system tray). Click Start > All Programs > DigitalPersona Personal and select Import and Export Wizard. Supply Voltage : 5.0V ± 5% supplied by USB I have three of these Digital Persona 4500s that I cant find the current. Also use this feature to import the fingerprint logons to the new computer.Compatible with USB 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 (Full Speed) specifications.Reader size (approximate): 65 mm x 36 mm x 15.56 mm.

U5000 Digital persona fingerprint reader with free SDK,USB fingerprint reader ,URU5000,ZK software Features for fingerprint sensor URU5000/U are U5000: Blue LED Small form factor Excellent image quality Superior ESD resistance Encrypted fingerprint data Latent print rejection Counterfeit finger rejection Rotation invariant Rugged Works well with dry, moist or rough fingerprints Supports: Fingerprint recognition, fingerprint verification, fingerprint authentication, fingerprint scanning & fingerprint matching applications.